Monday, March 16, 2009

Math on a sick day

You wake up at your normal hour of the morning. All seems well. You get dressed , eat breakfest and head off to school. You follow your normal routine of socializing, putting things away in your locker and getting to class before the bell rings. Each class slowly passing by slower then usual. Then you arrive to that one class you pray won't drag as much as you know it will. It's math. You hate math. The teacher talks on and on but you drown them out. Your hatred takes over and you drift into your dream world without math following. In that day dream the word math or talk of it is not allowed. "ring ring" the bells sounds off.  You think nothing is wrong.  Passing people in the halls casually throwing around a "hi" , " whats up?".  Its just the normal end to your normal day. You get your things and head off home. You notice as your on your route home your tired. You decide to take a nap. You were suppose to nap for a half an hour. Instead you napped for 3 hours.  You think of it as a minor detour. You take out the work you have to do and see its not much. You do half of it then go online. Your friend Ims you. She seems frantic. You think she is being paranoid. She asks you math questions and asks you about the test. You stop then question her. " what test?". She writes back " the one that counts 30% of your grade test". You think she is joking. Its 11:30pm. She's not. She tells you what is on the test. Each topic having one thing in common. You got an F on each test you took for it. You are beginning to stress out. You tell your friend you need to go. You run for your math book and all the numbers start swirling into a foreign language. Your mind is racing. You have no idea what to do. Think, think think! You got it! You stay home and take the test in two weeks. Of course the teacher wants to give you a test right before your break. How do you get your parents to go along with it. Think, think think! The sniffles! Thats it. Your nose has been acting up lately. You go to bed making sure your parents see that a cold is starting up. When you wake up you talk in a nasally voice. You tell them your nose is stuffed and you feel chilly. You remember how you always get cold before a fever starts to come. Its perfect! A bullet proof plan. Immediately you put it to work. You finish whats left of your work and check your math book one more time. Make it look like your trying. Go to bed. 5:30am you call your mom.  Tell her your nose feels stuffy and throw in a cough or two. Tell her your cold and want to stay home for the day. She buys it! Your free! You can not believe you did it. You go back to sleep almost instantly. But wake up in four hours. You grab your math book and study like you never studied so hard. You never looked at math for so long. It makes you nauseous.  You go over it like there is no tomorrow. You finally start to get it! You say to yourself you will be ready, you can pass this test! Your confident. You check the time. School has been out for one hour and a half. Go online. Your friend is on. Your eager to ask how the test was. She tells you " Mr. Pratt was absent and the test was cancelled". You grow numb. Crawl back into bed and sleep and forget the math that haunted you that day.


  1. I like how the teacher was absent at the end and the person got worked up all for nothing. It was very creative at the end.

  2. I like the irony of the ending. That you missed school to try and study with focus only to have the test cancelled. It's like a little serving of karma. It seems like something that can happen to anyone which makes it so relateable.

  3. Good job. It was very creative. I liked how she stayed home to study all day and the teacher wasnt even in school.

  4. I liked how your story started off in that you did go to school. It was different from all the other stories and very creative. I also liked how you described your plan to stay home in a lot of detail, it was like we got to read your mind. good job!

  5. Nice Story Brooke, very interesting
