Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to become...

Why do you want to be what you have chosen? Is it because you have that burning passion for it? Or is it because you know you will be financially safe with it? Before you make your final decision you must decide if you want it to be something that you know will provide you with a good life style or one that your heart cries for. But wait. What if you can't decide?  What if you need both to be happy? Then think. Think of what can satisfy both of your needs. Maybe you already thought of it. Maybe you haven't.  For all you know you may not have the answer for a few hours, days, months or possibly years. Don't worry. It will come to you.

If you know then research. Check it out. Look to see what you need to accomplish to get there. Ask yourself  what other things you can do. You want to be good don't you? Then don't just do the minimum. Do the maximum work. Once you know. Don't hesitate. Don't wait. Just go out and do it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

" Life on the color line"

The book I am reading is called " Life on the color line" by Gregory Howard Williams. This book is based on his story of growing up. Greg was raised as a white for most of his childhood but one day everything turns. There were already problems with his family but once those worsened so did his life. He found out he was half black and everything turned upside down. He and his family originally lived in Virginia where the father owned a tavern where he would serve black and white soldiers or anyone. The father was also a constant drunk and as time went by he got worse and worse. He also would beat on his wife which several times she would try and run away. One time she did and greg saw that so he asked if he and his brothers and sister could come. They were so close but the father caught them and beat the mother. In the end the mother ended up running away only taking Greg's younger sibling leaving him and his brother mike behind. So, far the mother has not come back for them. The dad moved mike and greg to Muncie Indiana where they now live as blacks ( what the father is) leaving their old selves behind. 

The reason I chose this book is because of the college reading list I have. I techniqually finished the requirements because I already read one book " Night" by Ellie Wiesel. Though I told myself I wanted to try and read the whole list of books during my time in this class. I have to admit I really am liking this book a lot and cant wait to start on the other ones because they are all non fictional and seem really interesting just like " night" and " life on the color line".

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reading= " A whole new world"

Reflections on reading

Reading can be something a person loves or despises in life yet no matter what we all do it. I can not say that I personally love reading but when I must do it for a class I will. If I find a book that I really get into such as " Catcher in the Rye" by JD Sallinger, " Freedom Writers" , " Night" and others. I liked these books because some how I can relate to these books. I personally like books that are relastic yet real so I can see how others lived. Such as " Freedom Writers" because they talk about their lives and its just beyond interesting. The movie to that was phenominal. So, that means if you have not read it, you should and see the movie for it as well! Usually if I am given a book to read I probably get sucked right into if that plot is catchy. I hate reading and you have to wait for a juicy part to come up but usually its worth it. I do not usually read though if I have free time unless I am already in the middle of reading a book. I basically have mixed views on reading. I find it fun/interesting or boring/annoying.